Wednesday, 7 January 2015

5 home-made gift ideas

Hello Internet! 

As some of you may know, about a month ago it was my birthday. I received lots of lovely presents from both family and friends but one gift in particular inspired me to do this post. It was a home-made present so my first 'real' post will be an ideas/DIY based one. Hope you enjoy! 

Here is the first gift idea. This present was given to me by Ginger and is a simple Kilner jar (you can get one from anywhere) filled with little slips of folded paper. In my jar, the colour of the paper represents something; inside jokes, 'tasks' that we must complete together and quotes. It is very quick, simple and easy to make but means a lot when you receive one. 

The second gift idea is a photo album or a scrapbook. Simply buy a photo album or a scrapbook from anywhere (for example Paperchase or a supermarket such as ASDA). Then print out your photos of that person or things that mean a lot to them and stick them in. 

My third idea is a shoe box covered in wrapping paper and filled with little gifts, for example nail varnish, make up and sweets/chocolate. If you do not like the idea of wrapping a box, you can buy boxes with patterns printed on them from places such as Tiger. 

Fourthly is the 'day out' idea. You basically give the person a slip of paper with a message on, saying something along the lines of 

'To .........

Happy Birthday! 

As your present, I am going to treat you too...' 

This could be anything you want or something you know the person wants; a movie, a meals or even a trip to IKEA! 

Last of all, there is the idea of making/baking some form of food. Food always goes down well and is very well appreciated so I highly recommend it! You could make anything from cupcakes to cookies, from fudge to doughnuts. 

There you have it; 5 home-made gift ideas. Thank you very much for reading this blog and I hope you enjoyed it. Bye for now!

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